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Prince Harry Has Been Left Disappointed By Kate Middleton

Prince Harry Has Been Left Disappointed By Kate MiddletonDid he really think that things were going to go his way? Well, maybe. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry has been left quite disappointed by his sister-in-law, Kate Middleton.

That’s because he was hoping to patch things up between them, but that clearly hasn’t happened. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has Been Left Disappointed By Kate Middleton

Prince Harry has been left utterly disappointed by Kate Middleton. He was hoping that by reaching out to her, they could work out their differences. But that clearly hasn’t happened.

Apparently, the one person that Prince Harry wants to fix things with the most is the Princess of Wales. He misses the special bond they had. In fact, one time he even said that Kate was like the sister that he never had.

And while Prince Harry would love to sit down and talk to Kate, she’s made it pretty clear that she is firmly sticking by her husband Prince William’s side. And for as long as Prince William will refuse to talk to Prince Harry, then so will she.

Royal expert Tom Quinn even put it this way,Since leaving the UK, Harry has actually contacted at least one royal: Kate.”

Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Wants Nothing To Do With Prince Harry

He continued, “She is sympathetic, but fully supports her husband and, struggling with her own health problems, has no intention of playing peacemaker.” 

For Prince Harry, there’s no doubt that this is heartbreaking, but it’s also his new reality. The royals don’t want to take any chances with him simply because he’s thrown everyone under the bus one too many times. Kate simply doesn’t want to deal with any more drama than she has to.

So far the Duke of Sussex has made no comments about the matter.

We will update you with all of the latest details once they come in.

Tell us, Soap Spoiler fans, what do you think of all the buzz in this story? Let us know by dropping us a line below.

Also, come back here for all the latest news and updates on the British Royal Family.

Photo by YAY_Images – Deposit Photos

  1. Martha says

    Harry just can’t get it through his thick brain that once you attack and disparage your family you have pretty much sh-t down your own throat. Family or no family…the deed has been done. It is time for him to move on. People can only put up with so much. Then it’s over. No trust… Move on Harry.

  2. Patty Alexander says

    Harry what did you think would happen you threw everyone under the bus

  3. ablalo says

    Harry got what he deserved.
    “The chickens have come home to roost.”
    I do feel sorry for his children – if they actually exist. They should be interacting with their Royals relatives.

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