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Prince Harry Pulling Out Of The Coronation At The Last Minute?

So does this mean that he doesn’t have his ticket booked yet? There’s a new report that suggests palace couriers are worried that Prince Harry might pull out of the coronation at the very last minute. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry Might Pull Out Of The Coronation At The Last Minute

While the Duke of Sussex has been confirmed to attend King Charles’ coronation on May 6th. There are some people worried that he’s not going to show up. After all, his travel plans are very ambitious that day.

Harry will only supposedly spend 24 hours in London and will take the very first flight back to Los Angeles once the coronation ceremony is over. That’s because he still wants to make it home on time to celebrate his son Archie’s 4th birthday.

Prince Harry Might Pull Out Of The Coronation At The Last Minute

It seems like couriers have every reason to be worried. One source close to the situation even said, “He has not been responding other than in a ‘We acknow­ledge your email’ holding manner. It’s like trying to communicate with Mars – it was easier to deal with Sinn Fein.”

Will Prince Harry Make It To London?

The insider added,Harry seems to be adopting a High Noon approach, making everyone sweat about his movements. While the Royals are confident that he will show up, others involved are not quite so convinced. The working assumption now is that, assuming he does come, it could mean arriving as late as very early Saturday by private jet and leaving by late afternoon the same day.”

Needless to say, many royal fans and critics alike sure do have a lot to say about the matter. Some have commented with, “Stealth Harry. He still moves like he’s in the military. This is hilarious and they will never know his plans until he has arrived and after he’s left,” along with, “Give ’em hell Harry. There is a planned strike at the airport so that’s a problem. The paps are stalking the airports in CA and the UK to get a shot. And with anti monarchy sentiment bubbling Harry knows he would be a target.”

Tell us celebrity gossip fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Also, come back here for all the latest news about your favorite Hollywood and reality television stars right here.

Editorial credit: Zeynep Demir Aslim /

  1. Candice says

    It makes no difference if Harry is or isn’t there. Charles will be crowned King. Then, William. England will go on, with or without Harry.

    1. Linda says

      He most likely won’t go for fear of all the booing

  2. Sherrie says

    Go forth with plans for the coronation as set. Harry’s presence should not matter one way or the other. For one, I could care less about him being present. I will, however, be watching from across the pond and very interested not only for its historical significance as well as for watching those that matter to this stunning ceremony.

  3. Drea says

    If I was him I wouldn’t go They don’t want him there they’re just doing it to be cordial and make it seem like they’re these good people he doesn’t need them You don’t need to be somewhere that you’re not really wanted better to be with the ones that love you the most and that’s your wife and your kids

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