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Prince Harry Slammed for His Latest “Tasteless” Remarks About Queen Elizabeth

Prince Harry Slammed for His Latest “Tasteless” Remarks About Queen ElizabethBritish royal family news divulges that Clown Prince Harry has a fondness for playing the “Diana card” to get what he wants. It’s shameless, a 40-year old man name dropping his dead mom, but now he’s decided to add the late Queen Elizabeth’s name to his cheap attempt for attention.

Ginger Judas and his wife Grifter have a new interview out. In it they claim to be mental health “first responders.” In a separate troubling interview Harry makes an audacious claim about the late regent.

Keep reading to find out what Harry has to say about the woman who can no longer defend herself against his tacky diatribes.

Royal Family News – Harry Name Drops Queen Elizabeth

Royal expert Richard Eden notes that palace aides are not impressed with Harry’s latest stunt. Yesterday in an ITV News interview with Rebecca Barry, Harry claimed that “Queen Elizabeth had fully supported his legal battle against the popular Press and had personally urged him on.”

Harry claimed: “We had many conversations before she passed and this is very much something that she supported” he said in Tabloids on Trial. Of course there’s no way to fact check that.

Harry, who has been accused numerous times of not remembering the truth accurately, went on to claim that the queen “knew how much this meant to me and she’s very much up there saying ‘see this through to the end.’”

Royal Family News – Harry Makes Wild Claim About Queen Elizabeth

Harry has a history of saying wild things about the late monarch. Five months before her death Ginger Judas told an American reporter that he had a “special relationship” with the monarch.

That’s warm and fuzzy but there’s no way to ask the queen how she felt about Harry and his wife Meghan throwing the family and monarchy under the bus starting in 2020.

At one point the runaway traitor claimed that he was “protecting” the queen “from the people around her.” It might have been Harry’s ayahuasca day.

Royal Family News – Harry’s Astonishing Claims

In his self-named memoir, Spare, Harry described the nation’s longest reigning monarch “as a frail, elderly woman manipulated by officials, to whom he gave a series of childish nicknames such as ‘The Wasp’ and ‘The Fly.’”

Eden slams this bizarre claim, saying that “the Queen was as sharp as a tack until the end. And, even as her physical strength deteriorated, she was prepared to speak her mind – whether it suited Harry and Meghan or not.”

Tell us royal fans, do you believe the outrageous claims that Harry is making about the late Queen or do wish he would keep her name out of his mouth?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Pixxelfly /

  1. Yvonne Bean Ruggles says

    Carmilla is awful. I will never forgive her for her part in breaking up Carles & Princess Diana’s marriage. She has recently has taken down Princess Diana’s portraits. That’s unexceptable!!! That would be like taken down a past president’s portrait in the White House. I never like Carmilla & I don’t blame Harry for his feelings.

    1. Jmsn says

      Charles and Diana both went into a loveless marriage! Who’s fault was it the marriage didn’t last? Both of theirs! If your spouse was divorced would you continue to hang their exes picture in your home? I don’t think so! Diana was involved in a horrific car accident. She died. Accidents happen. Life goes on.

      So what if Charles remarried! He deserves to be happy!

      As far as the sons go, they should get on with their life’s and be happy too. We never forget our Mothers!

  2. Lynda says

    so sad those two lowlifes. For all the hate and pain and sorrow they have caused, the need to burn in hell.

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