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Prince Harry To Take Archie And Lilibet To London Without Meghan Markle

Prince Harry is determined to do things his way. There’s a new report that says the Duke of Sussex really wants to bring his two children, Archie and Lilibet, to London to spend time with their grandfather, King Charles.

The only problem is that there’s no way Meghan Markle is going to make the trip with them and there’s no way that she will let Harry take their kids to the UK without her, too. Clearly, the prince has a huge dilemma on his hands. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry To Take Archie And Lilibet To London Without Meghan Markle

After having spent 24 hours traveling to London to visit with his father for 45 minutes, insiders say that Prince Harry has turned a new leaf.

Prince Harry To Take Archie And Lilibet To London Without Meghan Markle

Because of his father’s cancer diagnosis, he now understands just how important it is to keep your family and your loved ones close.

While a lot of damage has been done because of the Sussexes’ ongoing feud with the royal family, Harry is hoping to change all of that.

He now wants to be close with his father, the King of England, and hopefully with his brother, Prince William. But he knows it’s going to take a lot of work.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?

Unfortunately, Meghan Markle doesn’t see it this same way. There’s no way that she will ever return to the UK, let alone let Prince Harry take their kids on a trip without her. It’s just not going to happen.

As much as the Duke of Sussex wants his children to see their grandfather, the one person who is going to get in their way is their mother, Meghan. It’s not that she’s afraid they will never come back. Instead, she’s afraid that they might like it too much over there.

Before you know it, Meghan will be forced to pack her bags and move back to the place that she vowed to never, ever go back to. Things are about to get pretty dramatic for the Sussexes.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: ACHPF /

  1. April says

    Meghan Narkle should be stripped if ALL royal titles. She is no better than a traitor to the Royals and the UK. Her titles are due to marriage only and not by birthright.

    1. ablalo says

      Lots of titles and styles are GIVEN in the UK, not “birthrights.” Kate, for example, and previously Diana although she was a blue blood from an aristocratic family.

  2. Pam says

    He’ll never go without her, and she will never go. He is between a rock and a hard place. If I was part of his family I would never again trust either one of them.

  3. Diane says

    It is important at this time for the kids to see their grandfather. When they get older and he is gone, they will want to know why they were kept from seeing him.

  4. Pat says

    Life is not a sprint, life is a journey. You will have your ups and downs. We expect people to act and perform like we think they should. Regardless if you have a big title behind your name don’t make you less human. We can only pray for what is best for the individual and leave it at that!!! We are the ones that create unnecessary stress! Get a life

  5. Judy says

    I really want Harry to divorce her. She is very untrustworthy, and a liar. Then he would have custody rights to take His children to visit their family. Harry just needs to face what Megan really is! She only cares for herself and her fame. Sooner or later he’ll realize it

    1. Marlene Bernal-curriie says

      I agreed

    2. Louise says

      You got that right.need to let her go maybe she will just fade away. She’s not hurt no one but herslf.

  6. Jackie says

    The kids belong to Harry too, and they have a right to know their grandparents. King Charles has a right to know them as well. It’s time for Harry (and Megan as well) to step up to that reality and stop with their petty whining.

    1. Carol Henderson says

      I would say Prince William should stop his whining also and I don’t know what is going on with Kate except maybe a little bit of jealously. In fact I think they are all jealous of Harry and Meghan as they seem more popular with the commoners probably because they are more down to earth. I love them both and enjoy having them in California with me.

  7. Tinlizzy says

    Megan needs to get over herself and let Harry take their children to see their grandfather. When their grandfather passes it will be too late. As much as she may not be happy about it family is family. She is walking on dangerous ground to not allow her husband to be with his family in their time of need. I miss my grandparents every day. Megan be the best parent you can be and let the children see the other side of the family.

    1. Rhondette says

      Megan “won’t let Harry take the kids” to see
      his sick father? WTF? Did she clone them? He’s their parent too. He shouldn’t need her permission (although she does carry his ⚽️ ⚾️ in her purse).

      1. Jan says

        I totally agree with you!! He should just grow some and TELL her that they are going!

  8. Val says

    I think people should leave these two people and their children alone. It’s bad enough she was treated badly in England, for nothing more than she is of mixed race. Let them live their lives in peace. No one can imagine what Meghan went through in a strange country all alone. Thank God Harry loves her so much.

    1. Mrs ned says

      I guess it’s OK for you to know Harry is in another country by himself. Being of mixed race had nothing to do with her antics. She just didn’t get what she expected to get, tiaras, crown jewels, living in a palace, so cry bigotry

    2. Joan says

      She was welcomed with open arms, and her race was not a problem until she insisted on playing the race card when she didn’t get her way all the time. She had an agenda from day one, and it did not include serving the queen and the monarchy.

    3. Maryjane says

      Your comment is ridiculous. The Royal family bent over backwards for her. The problem is, Megan only loves Megan. You never see her with her children. Harry needs to take his children to London and never look back.

  9. Jan says

    I’m thinking that Harry will break free of the chains in California and move heaven and earth to bring the children to see his Dad.
    It makes me think that time is of the essence because of the type of cancer Charles has.
    Such a shame that Charles has spent his entire life being groomed to be King for him to have an illness that that could shorten his reign significantly.

  10. Affranchimar says

    Not happening.When he went unbidden to see his father he told HMK is he wants to speaks and sees his kids it was ok with him through Facetime.Which again for the second time in that 13mnts meeting KC said not necessary.

  11. Rak says

    Managed conversations need to begin.
    Harry and his royal family.
    One step at a time
    Children will need a nanny and understanding.
    As far as Megan goes, she should plan to be separated from Harry and her kids for a few months. Then re-evaluate.
    It will not be easy.

  12. Deborah says

    Of coarse he does he’s screwing his family over again with this new website. Parliament needs to their job.

  13. Sheila says

    Are Archie and Lilbet Harry’s and Meghan’s biological children???????
    A few months ago there was an article where a women said Archie was her son. Then several weeks ago Lillbet biological parents wanted their daughter back.
    Also when Meghan was in her twenty-seven had to have a surgery and can’t have children.

  14. SKS says

    I agree with the biggest part of these people. Meghan needs to turn loose of his balls and he needs to grow some bigger ones. They’re his kids to, she didn’t do this by herself, although I’m sure she would love to say she did. No one said anything about race,until she used the race card at her convenience. She is not worth spitting on. Hope he gets smart and gets rid of her, SOON.

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