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Prince Harry’s Race Joke Caused Ire In Germany

He said it as a joke but apparently some people aren’t laughing. There’s a new report that suggests Prince Harry’s race joke that he made during the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games in Dusseldorf has caused some ire amongst his Germany fans and critics. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince Harry’s Race Joke Is Causing Ire In Germany

Prince Harry opened the ceremony by telling the crowd that his wife Meghan Markle just discovered that she has Nigerian roots. And because of it, she is going to be rooting on the Nigerian team.

During the ceremony, Harry told the crowd, “Now, I’m not saying we play favorites in our home, but since my wife discovered that she is of Nigerian descent, it’s likely to get a little bit more competitive this year. I said, Are you ready? Let’s do this. Thank you.”

Prince Harry’s Race Joke Caused Ire In Germany

But according to Lady Colin Campbell, who often has one thing or another to say about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, some people are raising their eyebrows over Harry’s comments. She spoke to Dan Wooton on GB News about the matter.

Prince Harry’s Jokes Are Causing Problems In Germany

Lady C said, “What we do not seem to understand here is that in Germany not all of this has gone down as well as is being reported in this country. I have got a lot reports and letters and messages from people in Germany that say that they are extremely upset about, first of all, the demands that were made by Harry and Meghan and that were action that caused over 2000 petitions to be sent to the government.”

She continued, “That’s one thing. And secondly, Germany does not appreciate you playing the race card. Of all the countries in the world to play a race card, Harry has chosen Germany. I mean, what does Meghan’s dissent from Nigerian heritage have to do with who they would be supporting? And people in Germany don’t like it because it’s playing the race card. And there are tremendous sensitivities in Germany, not only for the Nuremberg race laws in of the 1930s, but of all sorts of issues regarding Angela Merkel and her policies with regard to immigration.”

So far the Sussexes have not made any comments about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Alan Fraser Images /

  1. Betty says

    Now whos a racist Harry. Your racist comment,about your wife,being 1% Nigerian is o bunch of crap. You called your family racist so you need to aploogizetothe,RF and to the German people. We re,waitingggggggggg.

    1. Melody says

      Bad betty.

  2. Melody Goad says

    It was a joke! Leave Prince Harry alone! He is a great man and father. He has had a very difficult up bringing thanks to hi father and Camilla de vil

    1. Carolyn Martin says

      A joke? Unconscious bias is what these two fakes accused the BRF because a family member wondered who the children would take after… ( never about what colour the skin would be), and they have used that LIE as a stick to beat the BRF with … and her rooting for Nigeria because SHE now claims Nigerian ancestry is ok? And YOU claim it is a joke? You know them do you?

  3. Susie says

    I think both of them need to stop making everything all about them. It’s one thing to put your support behind a project/event etc. it’s quite another to make out like you are more important than the project/event … which is what they do every time. And if they think that’s just them trying to be relatable then just stop. You’re rich and always showing that off and playing the celebrity jet setter. So just stop. Get a real job and leave us alone. Of wait … neither one of them have any real skills for a real job!

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