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Queen Camilla Is Seething Over Kate Middleton’s Behavior

There’s only one royal spotlight and apparently, it’s not big enough for the two of them. There’s a new report that suggests Queen Camilla is seething over Kate Middleton’s behavior.

And that’s not because she’s done anything directly towards the Queen of England, but mostly because she’s been hogging most of the limelight. And that’s enough of a reason for Queen Camilla to be upset. Here’s what you need to know.

Queen Camilla Is Seething Over Kate Middleton’s Behavior

There’s some speculation that Queen Camilla might be upset that Kate Middleton keeps on getting all of the headlines that she’s supposed to be in.

Queen Camilla

The Princess of Wales could run to her local grocery store for some bread and milk and it would create more chaos in the press than any of the royal engagements and public appearances that Camilla Parker Bowles would make.

Simply put, Queen Camilla is feeling ignored. And that mostly has to do with Kate Middleton being the media’s darling. That also looks like it’s not going to change anytime soon as Kate is looking to do even more work on her own.

She wants to apparently prove to everyone that she’s got what it takes to become the future queen of England – and maybe even more so than Camilla herself.

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One source close to the situation even put it this way, It’s quite clear that Kate is keen to do more. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another major project that she is intending to launch in the medium term.

Obviously, she will be consulting the King and Queen before she does that.”

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Also, insiders say that this year happens to be a milestone year for the Princess of Wales. The tipster added, “She has been focusing particularly on the area of work she is passionate about – early years and young people’s mental health – and the stepping up in that work has led to greater prominence.

But the Princess – like the Prince of Wales – is getting on with the job, doing as much as possible to have as much impact as possible within the issues she cares about.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

  1. Dale Ann Baldwin says

    What does she expect!
    She is not popular because she broke up Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage which NO ONE WILL EVER FORGET including Prince William and Prince Harry.
    Her attitude stinks and she tells jokes that are not even funny. King Charles even ignores her.
    She IS Not Queen Consort material.
    Princess Catherine on the other hand has a FANTASTIC attitude and reminds All of us of (The People’s Princess) Princess Diana.
    There is NO comparison between them.
    She is Beautiful, Kind, Generous, Loving, Respectful, and the Best Princess every next to Princess Diana.
    Queen Consort Camilla will NEVER be in that position no matter how hard she trys. If Queen Consort Camilla and King Charles had not snuck around with their affair and broke a marriage up the divorce should have happened first between King Charles and Princess Diana then King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla could had married each other one year later out of respect for Princess Diana’s death.
    An Affair should have NEVER gone on while King Charles and Princess Diana were married at all and King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla knew that and they also knew that it was causing pain to Prince William and Prince Harry.
    So, if Queen Consort Camilla is wondering why her and King Charles are not popular they should take a look back at the damage they have done not only to Princess Diana, Prince William, Prince Harry and the people of England.
    This would have NEVER happened if they would have acted like Adults instead of Lustful Teenagers.
    If you ask me they should have spent more time in church reading their Bibles.

  2. Linda Smith says

    I can’t stand Queen Camilla and no one wants to see her anymore. Kate is the popular one and is beautiful and smart. Camilla is. Home recker and should never have been made Queen even though she had wanted that role forever.

  3. Sam smith says

    Camilla should never have been Queen, and she knows it.
    Furthermore, who enjoys looking at her?
    Kate is beautiful and will be a great queen one day.

  4. Suanne says

    I think HRH Queen Consort Camilla is queen in title only. No matter the distance of the offense, she knowingly, and willingly, interferred with a royal marriage that ended in divorce. That act not only damaged her reputation, but helped to scar the reputation of Prince Charles, and the two of them caused almost insurmountable public pain to Princess Diana, who was beloved by millions. Their actions caused a serious rift between the two of them and the public.

    Catherine Middleton, Princess of Wales, has done nothing to dishonor the Royal Family. She has supported the Family, her children, her husband and most of all, her fellow mankind. She works and sacrifices to support Royal events and charities, especially important children’s issues.

    I think Queen Consort Camilla would be wise to backpedal her jealousy and pettiness. She needs to respect that ladies like Princess Diana and Princess Catherine are needed, and are proving a valuable strengthening of the worldwide position of the Royal family, not to mention the help her efforts provide to the citizens. Princess Catherine has made a mark on the world helping people. Not just aristocrats and other royals, and certainly not herself.

    Queen Consort Camilla has never shown a humble side, a helpful side. History aside, that is most currently apparent by her dismay over the work of another royal family outshining her personal contribution. It is not Princess Catherine’s fault she demonstrates a strength of character that appeals to and is respected/adored by the public and the press. It, is, however, the Queen Consort ‘s fault she is perceived as she is, and that perception lacks adoration. Her title is a gift. It is not one she has worked to fulfill as did Princess Diana and as is Princess Catherine since she first met Prince William. The Queen Consort needs to do more than whine like a child to gain respect. She needs to work for it. She needs to give respect, all the time and everyday, to earn respect.

    The Royal Family is the highest of the High in the Church of England. One would think it’s Queen Consort would show humility. Queen Elizabeth was humble. Princess Diana showed humility and Princess Catherine certainly shows strong humility, a great ability and passion for others. That’s a part of who Camilla is supposed to be, now that she’s the Queen Consort. Otherwise, she’s a hypocrite. Her own actions, comments and behaviors speak loudly to the way she is perceived. She just doesn’t seem to want to lie in the bed she made for herself. Rough spot. Happens to non-royals throughout the world. If she wants to be a royal, she needs to think, speak and behave as a royal. Until then, she gets what she’s asked for. It’s up to her.

    1. EvaMartinez says

      I love all your comments. She was gifted her title & should work for the position given. I love the statement she made her bed now she needs to lie in it. It’s not so easy to be a ROYAL is it…

  5. Melisa says

    I’m sure Camilla not seething at Kate she’s now an eldery woman and is grateful for Kate to take over

  6. Carole says

    I am so tired of the media trying to create negative drama between Camellia and Kate. Get over yourselves and focus on the positive things instead of the negative lies.

  7. Diane says

    Just like Charles was so jealous of Diana!

  8. Patricia says

    Camille should never have been Queen Consort.
    Princess Di would have made an amazing Queen. She and Late would have worked well together. Queen Consort is an embarrassment to the Royal family.
    Your right, Camilla is just a jealous old woman

  9. Terijojo says

    Camilla should just enjoy her golden years, enjoy what little time when the king is not working, enjoy that which she wanted was just to be married to the king.

  10. Julie says

    Princess Catherine is doing everything she can to make the royals look good. She is constantly being criticized for being a positive person for the firm. I believe the king should be happy and even overjoyed by having a great person who gives 300% to all she does. Kate, keep up the great work and positive attitude in everything you do. I love reading about you and William, however, I really don’t really waste my time following the Sissex clan. They are just so jealous of you that they have to make up lies.

  11. Susie Kimbell says

    Queen Camilla Consort- Means married to the KING and that is it…Being married to him is a huge responsibility and gift for yourself and the country of England and the Commonwealth. The KING is the head of the Church of England and I think you need to open a BIBLE and sit with JESUS and understand his ways so you can help and heal the family, instead of tearing at each other and worrying about who shines better than another as children do. When we see JESUS we see the world through a different lens. Congratulations Queen Camilla Consort CONGRATULATIONS to KING CHARLES 111 and wishing you all the highest praise in all that you do.

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