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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Offended She Was Offered ‘Princesses and Puppies’ Show

Meghan Markle British royal family news divulges that Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex and Meghan Markle were hosting business bigwigs at Kensington Palace almost a year prior to Megxit.

The Mail on Sunday reveals that the thirsty couple, who claimed they were virtual prisoners at the palace and mistreated by the royals, were actually getting busy entertaining entertainment royalty!

The couple reportedly met with executives from the streaming service Quibi in 2019. Yet they sobbed to Oprah Winfrey in March that they, “didn’t have a plan,” as to what they would do after dumping the royal family for fame and fortune in America.

The following year after meeting with Quibi, they signed on to lucrative deals with Netflix and Spotify. Harry intimated they had to after his dad, “cut me off financially.” By the way, Harry is 36-years old.

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Despite their claims to Oprah, a source claims the couple considered various projects with honchos at Quibi.

Apparently, the ideas tossed around were one for Meghan to host a show about dogs. It was reportedly the firm’s founder, Jeffrey Katzenberg’s idea. Why not? It would certainly be a step up from her role as Suitcase Girl on the cheesy game show Deal or No Deal where she paraded around in heels and lingerie.

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The source said that B-lister Meghan, “seemed to find that idea offensive and though she was gracious in the moment, people in the room were a bit appalled that this was the pitch to her.

“Jeffrey thought that puppies and princesses both sold well so if you put them together you’d have something incredibly commercial.”

“Princesses and Pit Bulls” sounds even better.

Katzenberg is no slouch. He is one of the most influential men in Hollywood, being the former head of Disney Studios and co-founder of DreamWorks Studios with Steven Spielberg. He launched the now dead in the water Quibi in 2018.

Royal Family News – Jeffrey Katzenberg Pitched Princesses And Puppies

The source added that “There was discussion about a sustainable travel program and another show about Harry’s charity interests in Africa. There was talk about Meghan narrating a nature documentary. Quibi held several discussions with them.”

Harry and Meghan later relocated to California, and they now live in an £11 million mansion, despite not having done a lick of work for either Spotify or Netflix.

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  1. Guest says

    She is pathetic

  2. Guest says

    Offended at everything! She is just so much better than the rest of us that we must always tiptoe on egg shells in order to protect her precious feelings!!

  3. Guest says

    So sad he messed up he should have never married her, she’s a loss cause real head case!!! Poor guy lost his family over her!!!

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