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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Refuses To Kiss And Make Up With Her In-laws

Meghan Markle British royal family news divulges that it’s business as usual for Meghan Markle who reportedly intends to stay the course in her chosen path concerning her royal in-laws. In other words, according to one royal expert, she is planning to “stick to her guns” as far as that alleged palace row with Prince William regarding her reported bullying of staff.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Is Staying The Course

In case you missed it, royal author and biographer Robert Lacey has spilled new dish about Meghan’s exit from the palace. According to him both she and the Fresh Prince of Montecito, househubby Harry, were kicked out on their pumpkins by an irate Prince William when he heard she was bullying the staff.

As of this writing there is a formal investigation looking into these claims, and it is ongoing. For her part an indignant Meghan Markle claims the sordid affair is a “smear campaign” against her. Doesn’t it seem like everything is always about her?

Lacey told Newsweek, “On one side we’ve got William who doesn’t seem prepared to concede anything and on the other side friends have told me that Harry wouldn’t mind reconciling and then it’s Meghan who is sticking to her guns on this issue.”

Royal Family News – Is Meghan Refusing To Capitulate?

Why would Meghan Markle give up the chance to kiss and make up with the royals, the family that Harry once boasted was the family she never had?

Well, for starters, history shows that she also rejected the family she was born into. In stunning fashion she made outrageous and untrue claims about them and since they were made during a tell all facilitated by Oprah Winfrey, the fact checkers got to work. Oops, Meghan didn’t tell the truth.

This is the person Lacey says of, “It should surely be possible for both sides to say the past is in the past. It’s very regrettable that Meghan doesn’t withdraw just a little.”

Royal Family News – Is Meghan Markle Holding Harry Back?

He goes on to say of apparently recalcitrant Meghan, “Why can’t she say it was the pressure? ‘I was getting used to this incredibly complicated system, I was just pregnant, I couldn’t sleep… perhaps in retrospect I went over the top about it.’”

So far there has been no sign that Meghan wants to reconcile with the royal family. Twice she let Harry travel to the UK alone for important engagements, once in April and just this past week.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

  1. Guest says

    If this about Magham, who really cares. The Royal family doesn’t need her and she is more important to the news people that the general public. She get pushed down our throats and it’s becoming sicking. The royal family is better liked and she isn’t!

  2. Guest says

    Ooh ooh, jealous much that she got her Prince charming and you didn't. Suck it up buttercup, only other one is prince George and you will be a shriveled very old dirtbag.

  3. Guest says

    The day will come when Markle will regret her actions
    I believe she thinks everyone will give into her. Sorry for kids
    Harry thinks she is right. Must be great in. Oh I won’t say it.
    I think Harry was putting on a front. Laughing & talking Poor guy.

  4. Guest says

    I think they both should be run out of the country and sent to a rock pile away from anything!

  5. Guest says

    I agree wish they (the press) would give it a break. They have more heartbreaks and royal experts , than anywhere in the world. Not often correct, why do these so called experts think they know what the Royals think & believe. What exactly makes them experts?
    It’s the same thing everyday, another broken and another expert!

  6. Jezz says

    When there is a common denominator (in this case Megan) it's difficult to believe the other party is at fault. I'm not saying Megan's family or Harry's family are perfect, none of our families are but there is one glaring antagonist at the center of both family troubles. Perhaps if Megan took some responsibility for her part in these situations instead of accusing her families for all of the problems then she might learn to forgive and heal. At this rate I can see Charlie sending old Tommy a Christmas present before sending Harry and Megan one and quite frankly I wouldn't blame him. I reckon lots of us (myself included) thought poor Megan, what ever must have her father and siblings done to her, now after two almost 2 years of witnessing Megan and Harry's vindictive, spiteful and false accusations against Harry's family I'm not convinced her family are so awful after all. In fact they have my sympathy, it can't be easy having such person in a family. Now sadly Harry has followed suit like this behaviour is something to be admired! I just hope their children turn out to be better, nice people.

  7. Guest says

    The way Meghan treats her father tells all I need to know about her character.

  8. Guest says

    She's just using them.she has got what you wanted, to turn them all agianist them ,the brothers, and everyone !!!!!! They need to strip her of any titles you has !!!!!!! I Don t know anyone who liked her. Look how she treats her dad, and sept sister!!!! They should of seen that right off!!! Its l about what she wants, and she font care who she hurts!!!!–

  9. Guest says

    I think that MM needs to seek help because she is a mental case!

  10. Guest says

    Megan will always be the trouble maker. She bad mouthed her family and then the British family. It’s all about attention. She will never rule anything except Harry.

  11. Guest says

    The way he treats her says all I need to know. Don’t blame her for ghosting him.

  12. Guest says

    Why cant people mind their own business

  13. Guest says

    The less we see or hear about MM the better. The RF won't be shedding any tears because MM does not want to "reconcile"!!! "That woman" should be banned from the UK forever.

  14. Guest says

    Before she married into royalty, tell me how the father and siblings treated her and her mother, then I will decide whether to agree with you or not.
    Children model what they see. If you love your child, your child will love you back.

  15. Guest says

    Why can’t she just go away?

  16. Guest says

    It’s too bad almost every family has one just like her!!!

  17. Guest says

    I think MM will never capitulate. She is so obviously jealous of the beloved, elegant and charming Kate that she knows she will never be as loved by the public. Whenever you see Kate in public you can always hear her polite and genuinely generous nature in the way she always says ‘thank you’ even to the security detail people opening her door or handing her an umbrella or doing small things. MM just believes she shouldn’t have to be grateful or polite as she thinks in her stupid, selfish and nasty head that she deserves people do ‘things’ to make her life easier, even the RF I’m sure.

  18. Guest says

    She needs psychiatric care as she is a freakin nutcase. She shows that she is a narcissistic sociopath , a real piece of work. What a waste of air she is. Harry is a disgrace.

  19. Guest says

    I think Manure is a total ass, and Harry is a traitorous fool. She made most of her money in the parking lot behind the bar she worked at.

  20. Guest says

    She preaches kindness but she doesn’t practice kindness. Do as I say not as I do.

  21. Guest says

    We are so sick of the Meghan bashing, believe one the any royal other than Harry coming to the US will receive all the hate we are building up reading and hearing all the BS coming from Britain and their decrepit dysfunctional family of misfits…so take some advice and stay on your side of the pond…

  22. Guest says

    If this had been another person from the US with the same family issues as Megan, would that lady be an issue? We don’t know the whole story. What has she done so wrong that draws so much hate. The RF keeps silent because they are paid to honor their monarchy not because all this garbage being spewed is true.
    I understand your allegiance to the monarchy but there are secrets in every family. It easier to blame an outsider than to look within and deal with problem. Look how long this has been going on, since Diana!
    I love the royal family but let’s just give this a rest.

    I’m sure if you look a little closer Megan’s family never mentioned her before her involvement with Harry. Maybe they want to ride the coattails and be noticed and Megan refuses to allow them to use the RF to do so.
    THINK people

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