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Where To Watch The Entire Christmas Broadcast By King Charles

King Charles, like his mother Queen Elizabeth, gave a special Christmas speech, and the broadcast was produced by BBC Studios. Of course, news outlets carried snippets of the speech and some of it made it onto social media. However, fans of the royal family might want to watch the whole speech when they choose to do so. So where can you watch the entire thing? We’ve got you covered. 

King Charles – Sparks Christmas For Many Royal Family Fans

Despite problems with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the new sovereign managed to stay above all of that. In fact, those who love the monarchy thought that he and his wife, Camilla Parker-Bowles were exceptionally classy this Christmas. The monarch acknowledged Hanukkah as well as his own faith. Because he’s also The Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England, he also sent out cards that said, “Happy Christmas.” 

King Charles and The Queen Consort also released a video recorded in 2020 that showed them reciting the epic poem, “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” That was recorded to raise awareness for the Actor’s Benevolent Fund. When the sovereign gave his Christmas Broadcast, reportedly, there wasn’t “a dry eye in the house.” Snippets that leaked onto social media, revealed that he would talk about his late mother, Queen Elizabeth. 

Where To Watch The Entire Christmas Broadcast By King Charles

King Charles – Did Talk About Queen Elizabeth

In his very moving Christmas Broadcast, the monarch sounded very genuinely sad that his mom and his dad, Prince Phillip passed away. He said, “I am standing here in this exquisite Chapel of St George at Windsor Castle, so close to where my beloved mother, the late Queen, is laid to rest with my dear father.”

Next, he talked about how so many people had sent messages of “love and sympathy.” Of course, he knows that the royal family isn’t the only one who remembers the departed during the season.  

Where To Watch The Entire Christmas Broadcast By King Charles
The Royal Family / Instagram,

Taking about lost loved ones, King Charles noted, “we feel their absence at every familiar turn of the season and remember them in each cherished tradition.” In his eight-minute Christmas Broadcast, he recalled the light in the world and how his mom tried to share the light with her communities. Of course, everyone who supports the monarchy loved Queen Elizabeth for her loving compassion. There’s a lot more and the message was very well said, a lot of folks thought. Those comments came on The Royal Family’s Instagram account. 

Where To Watch The Full Speech In Your Own Time

If you haven’t heard the speech by King Charles, it is now available on YouTube. Not everyone was able to see it as many folks across the world spent their time with loved ones. For your convenience, you can watch it at the end of this article, or just follow the watch on YouTube link in the video. 

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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