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Coronation Street Spoilers: Gary Windass Murders Brian Packham And Buries Him With Rick?

Coronation Street: Gary Windass (Mikey North), Brian Packham (Peter Gunn)ITV Coronation Street spoilers tease that Gary Windass (Mikey North) might claim another victim before he is caught out by Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson). There is speculation that Gary will continue his killing streak with innocent Brian Packham (Peter Gunn) his latest victim.

In a stunning plot turn, Brain may be about to uncover Gary’s sordid secret which he has thus far kept hidden in the woods. Could Brian follow after Gary when he acts upon a plan to move Rick Neelan from where he buried him?

It is entirely possible for Brian to meet with an untimely demise as Gary is desperate to keep his hands clean. At this point, there is already one person who suspects Gary of being up to no good but Adam is far from solving the case even though Gary can almost feel his breath on the back of his neck.

Just after Gary denies his involvement in wrongdoing to Adam he hears something that makes his skin crawl.

Coronation Street Spoilers – Will Brian Packham’s Treasure Hunt End Up In His Death?

Brian is planning a treasure hunt in the woods which leads Gary to try and convince him that he is wasting his time. Brian acquiesces but later on Brian spies, Gary puts a shovel in his van and takes off.

His logical conclusion is that Gary is going after the treasure himself, which he shares with Bernie Winter (Jane Hazlegrove). Neither Bernie nor Brian know the truth and so have no idea of the danger they are in when they decide to follow Gary to the woods.

Of course, the shovel is meant to help him dig up Rick’s remains! Gary’s plan is to relocate the corpse to a more hidden area, safe from coin scavengers.

What Happens When Bertie Osbourne And Brian Packham Take Off After Gary Windass?

Soon enough Brian and Bernie are on Gary’s trial. Completely unaware of the peril they are putting themselves in, they follow the killer into the woods as he approaches the bloody and tragic crime scene.

Is it inevitable that Gary notices them? Even if he doesn’t see them, it seems certain that if they remain long enough they see will Gary in action and realize what he has done. What happens next?

Coronation Street Spoilers – What Happens To Bertie Osbourne And Brian If Gary Catches Them In The Woods?

Brian has never been a threat to Gary, but he could become one now. If Gary realizes he has been discovered, how will he react? He has not hesitated to kill before, will his crime streak grow in the coming days?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Coronation Street right now. Come back here often for all Coronation Street spoilers, news, and updates.

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