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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are In Contract Talks With Amazon

And they said it wouldn’t last. Despite the fact that Spotify had pulled the plug on their contract with them earlier this year, it looks like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are about to bounce back with a rival company instead. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are In Contract Talks With Amazon

According to the latest reports, there’s a chance that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex might be in talks with none other than Amazon-owned Audible.

If all parties sign their names on the dotted line, then Harry and Meghan can once again see themselves cashing in on a multi-million dollar contract.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are In Contract Talks With Amazon

This would definitely keep their critics at bay for awhile as many of them assumed that Harry and Meghan were in a financial crisis.

With Amazon in their pockets now, there’s no doubt that they will be able to continue keeping the lights on over at their multi-million dollar mansion in Montecito, California.

But then again, it’s not like Harry and Meghan don’t have work. They have their charitable foundation, Archewell, and also their contract with Netflix. But a new partnership with Amazon’s Audible would sure put them back on the podcast map.

Royal Family News: Harry And Meghan Are Back On The Podcast Map

One source close to the situation even said, Harry and Meghan are retooling, retrenching and preparing to change course in their efforts to establish themselves and their production company Archewell as serious players across multi-media platforms. Expect them to come out swinging in the New Year.”

Asked why Harry and Meghan were let go, Spotify’s CEO Daniel Elk said last week, “We thought new innovation was needed to happen here. We thought we could come in and offer a great experience that both makes consumers very happy and allows new creators new avenues. And the truth of the matter is some of it has worked, some of it hasn’t.”

So far Harry and Meghan have not confirmed the rumors, but they haven’t denied them either. Watch this space as we will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Brian Minkoff /

  1. Carolyn says

    I have been a member of Amazon for a number of years and I don’t want them to have anything to do with Amazon. If they do I may have to leave Amazon .

    1. Lyn says

      Well. Bye.

    2. Judy says

      I agree. That’s what I’m gonna do if they go to Amazon

    3. Deeanna says

      I agree. Why do these companies pay these people millions thinking it will Influence us the consumer? Instead offer us incentives. Harry and Meghan are a joke and not worth the money.

  2. Pam says

    I would be done with Amazon!!

  3. Naomi says

    I am so tired of these two I too will not endorse these two sick people either. They have proven that all want is to be in the news. They are not trust worthy. Pity the kids when they grow up and they find out their parents are not honorable people.

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