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Prince Harry Told A Man With A Wooden Leg To “Give It A Name” While On Nigerian Tour

Prince Harry Told A Man With A Wooden Leg To “Give It A Name” While On Nigerian TourBritish royal family news shows that the fake royal tour taken by fake royals Prince Harry and Meghan Markle should alarm his family according to one royal expert.

The Terrible Twosome visited Nigeria this month and left the impression that they plan to “walk all over” the monarchy says Angela Levin.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan’s Fake Royal Tour

Meghan and Harry spent three days in Nigeria, flown around by a notorious money launderer wanted by the FBI. The optics of cavorting with corrupt government officials were hideous, as was Meghan’s skimpy wardrobe.

The couple ignored warnings from the US State Department about travel to the west African country and if they were actual working royals appropriate planning would have ensured they avoided all of the pitiful mistakes they made.

First of all, no one legit would have recommended that the tour be taken just because Meghan claims to have been told by a DNA test that she is 43% Nigerian.

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Too bad Meghan wasn’t at least 43% sure how to act like a respectful woman. Sky News reports that Markdown Meghan “arrived an hour late to a women in leadership event in Abuja.”

Once there she told her country that “many Nigerians she had met weren’t surprised her lineage could be traced through the country ‘because they understand a Nigerian woman to mean brave, resilient, courageous, powerful, beautiful.”

Except that she dressed like a street walker in a country that frowns on such things. While Meghan’s kin wore modest dress, she chose to appear half naked everywhere she went.

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This led to the locals throwing blankets and towels at her in an attempt to cover up her nudity; One pic shows her with a creased coverlet hanging off her left shoulder.

The Mirror reported that “Meghan’s choice of a backless nude maxi dress – in a country where the majority religion is Muslim and women are expected to cover their shoulders – would have broken protocol had she been on a royal visit.”

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When Harry met with wounded soldiers at a hospital in Kaduna State he tried to “boost morale, telling one patient with a prosthetic leg he should give the leg a name.”

But Levin says the most disturbing utterance from Harry was saying “It is hugely important for us to meet directly with people, supporting our causes and listening, in order to bring about solutions, support and positive change.”

In what capacity? Not as royal representatives, leaving the monarchy horrified at what the Sussexes have planned next.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Alan Fraser Images /

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