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Royal Family News: Prince William Fears That He Will Never Become King

Royal Family News suggests that Prince William might be afraid that he will never become king of England. Even though his father King Charles had to wait nearly 73 years for it to happen, some believe that the monarchy might not even last by the time it’s Prince William’s turn to take the throne. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince William Fears That He Will Never Become King

Things just haven’t been the same ever since Queen Elizabeth died last September. While there are still a lot of royalists who support the monarchy, there are more and more protests popping up at King Charles and Queen Camilla’s royal engagements and public appearances.

If protesters aren’t getting arrested for throwing eggs at King Charles, then they are showing up in droves holding signs and shouting “Not My King” in front of the British media.

Royal Family News: Prince William Fears That He Will Never Become King

For Prince William, this is all very worrisome. He’s spent his entire life preparing to take the throne one day but with the way things are going now, there’s a possibility that might never happen.

While the royal family still enjoys the support of the British public, there are a lot of people who think that the royals are spending too much taxpayer money to help fund their excessive lifestyles. Not only that, but the cost of living crisis in Britain has a lot of people wondering what is the point of even having the royal family around anymore.

Royal Family News – Is The Monarchy In Trouble?

There are a lot of people in Britain that are having a hard time keeping the heating on in their homes while the royals are still living their lavish lifestyles with their castles, tiaras, and opulent jewelry.

William knows that something has to be done about this now before it’s too late. If not, then he is going to be out of a job and worse, with no money to pay for his own home. That’s the last thing he and Kate Middleton want to see happen.

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  1. Angela says

    The monarchy is old and out dated. It needs to be gone. Queen Elizabeth came along when Kings and Queens was a major thing in that part of the world. And seeing how long she would reign was interesting. We got to see her 70th jubilee. For as long as most of us have been alive, she was Queen. But now she is gone. May she rest in peace. The whole idea of the monarchy should have died with her. I find all of the back bitting and scheming against one another that the current monarchy do now to be a joke. They don’t care about each other, like family should. They are like a very expensive soap opera. They lie, cheat, and constantly throw each other under the bus. Why should the people pay for this level of insensitivity. If you don’t care about your own family, then you can’t care about me. So boo-hoo, the monarchy will have to get a job and pay their own bills.

    1. Kelly says
  2. Lori S. says

    I bet there wouldn’t be any troubles if Diana were Queen.

  3. Mary B says

    Many years ago, I was poised to move to the UK. While I intended to stay American, I also had a great admiration and love for Qeueen Elizabeth II. At the same time, I knew that I would leave for home when Charles and Camilla took the throne. They would never be “my king and queen.”

    I feel that if somehow they could be passed over, the Monarchy and Commonwealth might live on. I would be happier if William and Catherine could take the throne.. and I don’t think I am alone in that. However, that won’t happen I know. So, I pray for the UK that I have always loved as well as for the Royal Family. I think they can use all the prayers they can get, lest William is correct.

  4. Dawnmarie says

    Prince William should be the King. Charles gave up his turn when he was granted a divorce from Princess Diana.
    Therefore, Charles & his Mistress should step down and let Prince William & Princess Kate take charge.

  5. Barbara says

    I agree I think prince William should be king,england needs new fresh ,updated rules. Prince William d princess Kate need to be in control. Now not later.

  6. EILEEN says

    I agree, William SHOULD be made King. NOW !

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