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Did Prince William Call Prince Harry On His Birthday?

Did Prince William wish Prince Harry a happy birthday this week? Did he pick up the phone and call his brother?

That’s what many royal fans can’t help but wonder as it seems like the Duke of Sussex must have gotten snubbed by everyone on his 39th birthday. Harry spent the day in Germany. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Did Prince William Call Prince Harry On His Birthday?

One source close to the situation put it this way to, “He might get a text, or he might get an email. I hope they do reach out. I’d like to think William would pick up the phone to wish him a happy birthday.”

The same source also said that he hopes King Charles takes this opportunity to reach out to his son as well.

Did Prince William Call Prince Harry On His Birthday?

The insider added, “I would hope that Harry would do the same to them on their birthdays. I think the damage has already been done now and I think at this moment in time, I don’t see it dramatically changing.”

Well, if there’s one thing that the royals didn’t do, it’s wish Prince Harry a happy birthday on their social media accounts.

It’s a yearly tradition for the royals to wish one another a happy birthday on Instagram and Twitter, but this year everyone completely ignored Prince Harry.

Royal Family News: The Duke of Sussex Got Snubbed By Everyone

But then again, it’s not like the Duke of Sussex even noticed. He is currently in Germany for the 2023 Invictus Games.

He and his wife Meghan Markle enjoyed a traditional German dinner at a local restaurant in Dusseldorf.

They were also surrounded by their close friends and event organizers for the games. Clearly, Harry has better things to worry about than wondering if someone had wished him happy birthday on a social media platform that he doesn’t even use.

So far Prince Harry has not made any comments about the matter but at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Isaaack /

  1. Shirley says

    Happy Birthday , Prince Harry.
    Many more,

  2. Mary says

    I think it shouldn’t matter if you are fighting, family is family, and the future is not certain, you dont know if they will be around tomorrow, forgive don’t forget, but forgive, life is too short!!

  3. Deborah says

    No one will ever know UNLESS Harry gives an interview.

  4. DHanna says

    I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Grow. Up! You are adults. Let bygones be bygones. Happy Birthday Harry!

  5. Sherry says

    Maya J: you need to get your facts in order, putting out damaging headlines is cruel. Did Harry call his brother on his birthday, did he send him an email or text? NO just NO, so why should William do the same after Harry told one lie after another and let his wife make cruel fun of HM, his grandmother and tell the world all the crappy lies on Oprah while his grandfather lay dying ……..grrrrrrrrrrrrr

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