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Kate Middleton Stormed Out At The Sight Of Meghan Markle

She feels so strongly about her, that she can’t even be in the same room as her. There’s a new report that says Kate Middleton stormed out the moment that she saw Meghan Markle enter a room. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Stormed Out At The Sight Of Meghan Markle

According to a new report, right after Queen Elizabeth died last year, Prince William and Prince Harry were accompanied by their respective wives when they greeted mourners right outside of Windsor Castle.

The moment Kate saw Meghan, she acted like she wanted to run in a different direction from her. Eventually the Princess of Wales did storm out at the sight of Meghan. At least, that’s what body language expert Judi James says.

Kate Middleton Stormed Out At The Sight Of Meghan Markle

James told the Mirror, The first sight of the two couples that day was when the car they were all traveling in pulled up outside the gates of Windsor Castle.

As the car drove up it was clear the two couples had shared the ride. The right-hand doors opened and Harry got out, followed by William. Despite their differences, the brothers kept close together and even stood together to make their greetings.”

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Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Can’t Stand to Be In The Same Room As Meghan Markle

If that weren’t enough, Meghan must have realized that Kate was giving her icy glares because she also felt quite uncomfortable in her sister-in-law’s presence so much so that her own body language began to change.

James continued, “Kate got out the other side with Meghan behind her. Kate’s first gesture of intent came as she stormed around the car to join the brothers without as much as a backward glance at Meghan. She was clearly going to make no attempt to play at small talk or unity.

Meghan went to follow at a distance but held back as though unsure whether to join the others or not. While Kate ignored the Sussexes it was William who noticed Meghan and extended an arm to invite her to join them. Meghan hung back in the group and Harry squeezed round behind his brother to get to his wife, who was standing nervously tossing her hair.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: ComposedPix /

  1. Cherri Pryor says

    I don’t have much faith in “body language” as interpreted by members of the press. But I do understand how hurt the Royal Family have been by Harry and his wife almost ever since their marriage and they did it for money which I find shameful. It’s unfortunate they all could not just put the hurt and disappointment behind them at least temporarily to bid farewell to a great lady like the Queen.

  2. Esther Reding says

    They meaning Kate needs to get over themselves a little, is not showing her usual maturity and beauty!

  3. Cathy says

    I think that it is reprehensible how the media interprets every thing Megan does in the most negative way possible. If the media treated me the way you treat her, I would want to escape just as she did.

    I understand that you think Prince Harry fell in love with an inconvenient woman. A woman below his station. But she loves him and he her despite the fact that she is bi-racial, divorced and outspoken.

    You ought to be ashamed of how you have turned a supposedly innocent woman into a punching bag for your own profit.

  4. Julie says

    It is really sad to see the four of you acting like children. Grow up and get on with your life. Your beautiful mother would be ashamed of you boys. She did not bring you up this way. Your acting like idiot’s. For future king and queen, you are a disgrace to your country. And how you you think this behavior effects your own children. Shame on you.

  5. Mona says

    As I look at it Willaim and Kate are acting like little kids. Sad that William would even treat is bother like that, family is family know matter what. Thier mother must be rolling over in her grave.

  6. Debby says

    It wasn’t surprising, I would do the same. Even as agitated as she was Catherine still acted like a lady with dignity & grace. Megan knows she’ll never be even close to being at Catherine’s equal or stature.

  7. Maryjane says

    I watched this on tv and Kate did none of that and Megan didn’t hang back. Megan absolutely does not know Royal protocol because she doesn’t care to learn.

  8. Susie says

    Hello…I LOVE KATE but me being AMERICAN think she is being very childish with Megan. We have different ways all of us and judging before you understand her is being a very small person. She is wonderful and I KNOW SHE IS GROWING and wish she would get better to understanding so they can get along better for the kids to grow in culture changes as well. I went to ENGLAND for school and ran into these same problems and it was my AMERICAN ways getting me some misunderstanding. I didn’t know it was different and it was crazy sometimes on really a not understanding on both people seeing it just there way. We are much more expressive In AMERICA than in ENGLAND. WE ARE NOT WORKING OR TRYING TO HURT ANYONE. I THINK THEY ARE BOTH BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL WOMEN IN THERE OWN WAYS. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY IS NOT VERY DIPLOMATIC or OPEN HEARTED. ♥️♥️

  9. Dennis Warner says

    Unfortunately I think Kate is acting like a spoiled little brat. Not mature ar all. She’s still acting like a child and like one of those mean girls in school. She needs to grow up.

  10. Dani says

    Kate can’t stand to be upstage again and again by Meghan. That’s the truth to your false story.

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