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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Letting Go Of All Their Famous Friends

Talk about a fresh start. When it comes to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and their friendships, when you are in, you are in, but when you are out, you are definitely out.

Apparently the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are letting go of some of their famous friends but there’s a reason behind it. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Letting Go Of All Their Famous Friends

According to a new report, relationship expert Hope Flynn recently told the Mirror that Harry and Meghan have cut the cord on their relationship with many people that were in their inner circle for a good reason. They want to look for people who are going to help them grow, and not try to let them go.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are Letting Go Of All Their Famous Friends

Flynn put it this way, As we grow older and under certain circumstances, it is totally normal behavior for a married couple or for people in relationships to lose friends overtime. It can be hard enough and overwhelming for individuals to maintain friendships on a day to day basis, let alone when you meet someone new and now have to give time to them on top of other life commitments.”

Royal Family News: Harry And Meghan Are Looking For New Friends Again

She also added that there’s nothing wrong with Harry and Meghan wanting to change their priorities at this point in their lives, even if it means that they will have to let go of some of their friendships as a result of it.

Flynn added, “When we look at Harry and Meghan and layer this with becoming parents, moving country, stepping down from royal commitments, having the whole world watching and judging you whilst doing so, it is no wonder they have unfortunately had to let go of certain friends. It appears that Meghan and Harry are looking for a completely fresh start, and if this is by distancing themselves from former friends and circles then I’m sure this is a decision they’ve made based on what’s right for them. As Meghan and Harry’s lifestyle changes this is being reflected in their friendship group and they probably want to secure a tight knit inner circle who they can confide in and trust.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Lorna Roberts /


  1. Dawn says

    I don’t think Harry and Meghan are dropping people I think people are dropping them because they are fake and she is such a pushy arrogant rude person. For her his her way or the highway or like the old song all about me all about I all about me oh my oh my

    1. Mary says


  2. Carolyn says

    I really don’t care who their friends are. Megan is a terrible wife, don’t know about mother . Harry needs to go back to England and leave Megan. I wish he could take the kids too.

  3. D says

    When will the media learn the only people who give a damn about poor Megan and Harry is the media? I’m so sick of seeing them in the news. They are not news worthy. Please stop writing nothing articles about them. Surely there are more important things to write about.

  4. Sherry says

    I think it is more accurate to say that the friends have distanced themselves Some friendships are just too toxic.

  5. Deborah says

    Those 2 are letting go of friends.??? NOT in this lifetime, more than likely as THEY ARE being dropped like hot potatoes. . NO ONE wants to be associated with them.

  6. Elsa says

    People get real people drop friends all the
    time Harry has a right to move any where
    he wants to with his family you people act
    like this is a crime and some of the Royal
    family members were bias toward Megan
    would any of you people stay around to
    put up with that no you would not the
    press was negative about Megan from
    day one so they never gave her a chance
    especially in England so would you stay there
    and put up with that no you wouldn’t so
    why would you expect them to and then
    then you have Harry’s father and brother
    who control what the press say about their
    wives and you rarely hear anything negative
    about them but no one In that family defended Megan they let the press say all
    negative things about her and never correct Ed what was being said about her they just
    threw Megan under the bus her and Harry
    we’re getting a little more popular than William and kate so the palace aides who control everything could not have the future
    King and his wife looking less popular and less
    face it Harry and Megan doesn’t want to be
    king or queen all they ever wanted was to be
    treated fairly and have more of a define position in the family that’s only fair they
    had no clear cut position in the family so
    would you hang around not having a clear
    cut position in that family that treat each
    Like a business and not as family so Harry
    got fed up Megan would have stayed but
    what you people don’t understand Harry
    was tired of putting up with that Megan knew
    she was probably not going to be accepted
    by some of the people in the palace so stop
    trying to blame her for them leaving Harry
    just got tired of his wife being treated like
    she didn’t matter by his brother and Kate
    and a few others in that family to Harry this
    was disrespectful to him that you can accept
    Kate in the family but you couldn’t accept his
    wife yes Megan may not be prefect but neither
    Is Kate know one on this earth is prefect and
    Including Kate’s family they have some issues
    in her family so why you keep harping on Megan about her family. And as far as Harry
    writing a book about his family he had every
    right to they did nothing to help him mentally
    while he was growing up they saw he was
    out of control and the palace aides and
    family members did nothing to help him
    get help for what he was going though
    mentally so underneath those silly antics
    the press commenting on he was hurting
    Inside it was a cry for help that’s why he
    was doing things to ease the pain and in the
    book people Harry didn’t paint himself as
    being a angel so I don’t see how you people
    are saying he is lying he is telling the truth
    about himself know one is going to write a
    book about himself and say negative things
    about themselves if it was not true in most
    families people ignore mental illness because
    there is a stigma attached to it so that’s why
    people do not get the help they need and if
    you look at the numbers most males commit
    suicide more than females when it comes to
    mental illness so is that what you wanted
    Harry to do people commit suicide because
    the way he was going that was a great possibility this book was a wake up call for
    the Royal family stop trying to hide everything
    be more forth coming about things and stop
    worrying about that dam money they involve
    In a couple of charities that deal with mental
    health but when they had problems with
    HARRY with mental health issues they did
    nothing to get him help they just brushed
    it under the carpet like he did not matter
    the only one who was there in supported
    him in getting help was his wife see you
    don’t know what she has to deal with
    Harry also suffer from Ptsd anxiety that’s
    a lot to deal with so you don’t know
    what Megan deals with when Harry has
    a panic attack or aPTSD moment that
    family should be grateful to Megan that
    she cares for and love Harry to get him the
    help he needs something the Royal family
    and some of the so call party friends didn’t
    do that’s why Harry had to let go of some of
    those friends they were not helping him get
    help they were just using Harry to get in the
    Popular clubs and they were getting free
    everything on Harry’s dime so cut Harry and
    his wife some slack they still do volunteer
    work they do donate money and they have
    to be in the public eye because how else
    people can they get people to donate to
    these charities if the public is not aware
    of the charities they Royal family does the
    same thing people they get photograph
    every time they go to a charity event
    they sponsor so why are you criticizing
    Megan and Harry you people make no
    sense Harry and Megan aren’t saying anything
    about their families they have already said
    what they had to say about their families
    and they left that subject about their families
    along its you people keep constantly bringing
    old news up about them Harry Megan are
    just trying to live their life so you people
    of England and reporters need to stop
    bringing up the past on them you are the
    ones who need to get over it HARRY and Megan have move on its you and Morgan
    and others who want let go stop beating a
    dead horse people.

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