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Prince Harry’s Crocodile Tears, Rips Into Royals, Again?

British royal family news divulges that Prince Harry had a bright moment last week, hosting the Invictus Games but even as he ws in the spotlight and not mocked too badly, it was a stark reminder of all he lost post-Megxit.

For starters he celebrated his 39th birthday with strangers singing him Happy Birthday with his full family totes ignoring his big day. On top of that he was presented with an ominous looking black-frosting birthday cake.

Let’s unpack how far Harry has fallen according to outlet, and frankly no one is surprised at his self-inflicted dumpster fire life

Royal Family News: Harry’s Life on Fire

According to New Idea, sources claim the trashy duke is full of regret for how he has conducted his life the past three years since running away to American with his former basic cable actress wife Meghan Markle.

Prince Harry’s Crocodile Tears, Rips Into Royals, Again?

On September 8, Harry was in the UK, but a no-show to any family event honoring the late Queen Elizabeth who passed on that date in 2022. Allegedly Harry was not invited to meet with any family members, not even disgraced Prince Andrew’s daughters.

Later in the week plucky Harold travelled to Dusseldorf, Germany to open the 2023 Invictus Games.

Upon landing Harry was greeted with jeers and called a murderer due to his bragging about killing soldiers of war within the pages of his memoir, Spare.

At the Games he seemed like his old self, until Meghan showed up and hijacked all the PR for herself. Not a good look no matter how much she spent on designer clothing.

Prince Harry’s Downfall

By the time all was said and done, the failed prince reportedly had tears in his eyes as he closed out the Games. But the bombastic court jester showed his true stripes when he uttered something many see as yet another verbal assault on his family.

What did Prince Harry Allege?

He told the servicemen and women “Remember that feeling of pride and honor when you first wore your nation’s flag on your uniform? Most of us perhaps remember more its final outing, or the time we hung it up for good.”

The outlet interpreted this as a “thinly veiled sting regarding the fact Harry was banned from wearing a military uniform when he and wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex stepped down as working royals in 2020.”

Harry, welcome to the real world where you can’t eat your cake and have it too.

Royal fans, tell us, do you feel sorry in any way for Harry?

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  1. Patricia Benzeno says

    I do think Harry regrets leaving the family and country. he only did it cause that is what his wife wanted. she destroyed her family so she is jealous of Harry’s. she knew how close he was with his family and he took pride in his work for the service to his country both as a military veteran and his work there .now because of her he can’t even wear his uniform. his children should be in the uk.
    they said she was having a nervous breakdown in the uk and she wasn’t allowed to get help. I don’t believe that for a minute. Harry admits to seeing help for his mental health but answer this WHY !!! because she didn’t need help she just wanted to the U S. Royal deputes was to hard for her. now his family disowned him and his kids are growing up to be American. his daughter is American. she had no mental problems in the U.S. with that pregnancy did she.i believe he wants to go back and he should with his kids with or without her. the king his father can order the kids back to the uk as he is the one with who has custody not them. look it up .

  2. Michelle says

    You get what you ask for! Harry’s biggest mistake was marrying this terrible person, all she wanted was to be catered to and apparently thought that would happen. Good heavens she would have to do some work in this royal family? Wow shocker! Well she has given her family the boot, so she wanted Harry to do the same. Well done witch.

  3. Sherry says

    NO, I do not feel one bit sorry for Harry, he made his bed, so sleep in it and weep what you have done to your family for a woman who used you to get what she has today, a 14 bathroom home in the richest part of the US with a fat bank account…….and a title which she does NOT deserve.

  4. Deborah says

    NO WAY do I feel anything EVEN close to feeling sorry for these grifters.

  5. Abl says

    NOPE – do not feel sorry for either one of them. For their invisible children? YES.

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