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Prince William And Kate Middleton Fear Prince Harry’s Outbursts

Prince William and Kate Middleton can tolerate a lot of things, but if there’s one thing that they refuse to tolerate, it’s Prince and his outbursts. In fact, there’s a new report that suggests the Prince and Princess of Wales are both concerned about Prince Harry’s upcoming trip to the UK and whether or not he’s going to have anything nasty to say about them or other members of the royal family. Because it’s not like he hasn’t done so in the past, right? Here’s what you need to know.

Prince William And Kate Middleton Fear Prince Harry’s Outbursts

Prince Harry will be spending a few short days in London. He is expected to attend the Well Child Awards, which is an event that he hasn’t missed in the last twenty years and will also be doing the media rounds to promote the Invictus Games, which will take place in Germany this year.

Soon after he’s done with his work in London, the Duke of Sussex will then head to Dusseldorf, where he will be joined by his wife, Meghan Markle.

Prince William

What Prince Harry might potentially say in his interviews that really has William and Kate worried. They think that the Duke of Sussex might end up saying something outrageous just because he wants people to tune in to his Netflix docuseries, Heart of Invictus.

One source close to the situation even told the Daily Beast, “Harry is going to want people to watch the show. Of course that makes them nervous because William has seen how ruthless Harry has been about betraying his family to promote his projects so far. They just won’t want the dignity of the day to be overshadowed by another outburst.”

Will Prince Harry Dish The Dirty Details Again?

For Prince William and Kate Middleton, this is the last thing they want to see. It’s not enough that Harry always manages to grab all the headlines each and every time he has something to say.

They also don’t want to be left humiliated by him and his tendency to throw everyone under the bus. That’s why William and Kate are going to be on pins and needles the entire time Harry is in the UK.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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  1. Rue says

    All Harry’s so called outburst did nothing but show the world that his family was like all other families. Everyone has their upset and down, and the royals are not superior better than any other fa.ily than any other people on this earth. We all have our good points and our bad. The biggest fear of the royals is that the Brits well will fire then and become a democratic nation and vote their leaders in. Dear lord the royals are worth billions yet do you see them giving back to their people no u see them taking more from them. Sorry but it us not Harry that scares them it is the truth the facts that scare them!!

  2. Dianne Glasser says

    Personally speaking I think Lying Chatty Harry needs to be banned from Great Britain based on his prior record if nothing else. He needs to decide where he truly needs to be, where beautiful Princess Diana would be proudest of him and then make amends to his family because Diana would be so ashamed of his actions to the monarchy & especially his brother one of the 2 people she loved most in the world. It’s really sad because since the wedding to see Harry smile anymore is a rarity. He has not seemed happy at all and the only change is he brought the happiness sucker into the royal family. She has brought nothing but misery to him and his family and I would love to see happy Harry back with his family. All she wants is fame & fortune. I think she should earn it herself instead of exploiting the Royal Family. The RF work very hard for their country and for the most part are dearly loved. Everyone? no but no one loves entire families! So Harry go home with your family that loves you. Turn on markle and see how much she ‘loves’ you! She’ll want huge payoffs and use the children against you to get what she wants!

    1. Kathleen says

      Dianne Glasser, I TOTALLY agree with you. Meghan only married Harry to be more recognizable in the world instead of just being a B actress!!! She is ruthless and extremely selfish. She is a narcissist to the core.
      I feel sorry for Harry a bit for falling into her snare.
      But it’s time Harry grows up and takes responsibility for his actions.

  3. Marsha Roth says

    What can one day about the royals? It’s ALL nensense! Do the average Brits really care about “curtsy” issues? new Titles? Who Trump’s Who? I think the ab
    average working family worries about the Economy, Air Quality, Health issues, Education, Job increase, a much longer list with limited space. The WWII & perhaps Vietnam are the last generation to be in awe of Royals. The next generation has increased concerns. The Royals should be respected for the attention they bring to issues. Sure, a salary within reason. They should contribute a great deal of their wealth to the economy. Should pay higher taxes. And, I’m sorry to say there is unspoken racism among allot of the royals. Meagan isn’t guilty of half the ridiculous stories about her. It would have been wiser to lovingly accept her sincerely if for no other reason than the “Minority” groups who are now the “Majority”! Sister-in-Law fueds are ridiculous! Like Meagan & majority of women, I wouldn’t participate & walk with my husband & children. She’s a young woman who worked hard, achieved success in a beginning career & fell in love. It’s a shame Snobs don’t see & appreciate the good qualities! Truth is the royals have been inbred. They hide family, They divorce, They have serious legal problems ie! Charles being caught with $100,000 meant as a donation. Sure, he explained it away. Prince Andrew… no need to explain that disgusting mess. Is a blood test in sight to know the truth about the gentleman who alleges he is the son of Camilla & Charles given away as a Ward of the State. The man doesn’t want to be part of the English royals. He wants to know who his parents are!! Charles & Camilla get smaller & smaller every day.

  4. Mary says

    I think jealousy is killing them !

  5. Ananda says

    I don’t think William & Kate fear hazbeen at all. He’s told so many lies about his family that hardly anyone with half a brain even listens, much less believes, what he says. Every time he starts running off at the mouth he only hurts himself more than he already has. He’s so dim that he won’t realize the damage he’s done to his own reputation until he doesn’t have one anymore. Nothing is going to end well for these two grifters but they only have themselves to blame for their demise.

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